There is a new-ish magazine available called She Shreds. It is important. Here's why:

I remember being a teenager and trying to explain to other teenagers why more girls don't play guitar. It was relevant at the time because I was leading and playing in worship bands in churches and almost every permutation of every band was the same: boys on drums and guitars, girls on vocals (and keys were the gender wildcard). I was annoyed.

My reductive theory was this:

We subconsciously do things based on what we think will make us more attractive.
Girls are attracted to talent.
Boys are attracted to looks.
Obviously, developing a talent (playing the guitar, for instance) takes time and energy.
Spoiler: being pretty takes time and energy, too.
There are only so many hours in a day.

There were, of course, a lot of other reasons (precedent, culture, etc) but this was my best shot at trying to work it out.

Ten years later, change is afoot.


"Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours."

Jane Kenyon


2015 In Review

In northern Portugal, at a lavender farm on the side of a winding ridge, after the first bottle of wine and before the second, I looked up and saw a shooting star.

There was real magic inside that tiny second.

Superficial Relating


“It is not the diamonds or the birds, the people or the potatoes; it is not any of the nouns. The miracle is the adverbs, the way things are done. It is the way love gets done despite every catastrophe.” 

Daniel Handler, Adverbs (recommended if you like quirky


I'm in the middle of it - my life's accumulations are haphazardly packed into boxes and squirreled away at my parent's house.

Almost every part of life has changed. I had to buy a new car. I can't find anything. I've worn the same shoes every day for a week.

The six or seven houseplants I had in my apartment are now all in the east-facing dormer of my childhood bedroom. I don't know the right way to care for any of them but hooray they seem to be surviving.

Next month, I'll move into the spare bedroom at a good friend's house.

What I really want to do is forget everything, get into that car, turn the music up, and go somewhere dumb and exciting.

But I guess that's what everyone wants?



Recommended reading

This is just to say that Dept. of Speculation was my favorite book of 2015.

“My plan was to never get married. I was going to be an art monster instead. Women almost never become art monsters because art monsters only concern themselves with art, never mundane things. Nabokov didn't even fold his own umbrella. Vera licked his stamps for him.” 

Jenny Offill, Dept. of Speculation