Maybe I've posted this before. Maybe at least 2 other times. Maybe I'm obsessed. Maybe she's that good.
sad bastard music
but beautiful.
but because the air bore it along
One of my secret heroes, Hildegard von Bingen, said the following. I do think we are the navigator of our own ship ... but this still resonates in the middle part of my heart ... in spite of what I think:
"Listen: there was once a King sitting on his throne. Around him stood great and wonderfully beautiful columns ornamented with ivory, bearing the banners of the King with great honour. Then it pleased the King to raise a small feather from the ground and he commanded it to fly. The feather flew, not because of anything in itself but because the air bore it along. Thus am I a feather on the breath of God.”
Because you can strive and strive and strive but sometimes it feels like it doesn't matter. Things just go. Life just unfolds.
Make Them Endure
Maybe keeping a journal is as valuable as they say it is. I'm looking at my old notebooks and there is a lot of 'stuff' in there (like the quote below). I've never done the kind of journaling where you recount the events of the day - but I do have hoards and hoards and hoards of black, unlined notebooks full of quotes, sketches, songs, or little notes about about things that happened that I don't want to forget. Things that keep my embers glowing, so to speak.
“Well he said getting truculent, you yourself always said I was an extraordinary person well then an extraordinary person can do anything, ah I said catching him by the lapels of his coat and shaking him, you are extraordinary within your limits but your limits are extraordinarily there and I said shaking him hard, you know it, you know it as well as I know it … but don’t go on trying to make me tell you it is poetry and I shook him again, well he said supposing I do know it, what will I do, what will you do said I and I kissed him.”
Gertrude Stein, Everybody’s Autobiography
Northern Ireland, Summer 2013
Can't Stop
Seriously. I've reread this 6 times in the last 12 hours.